19 September 2009

Return to the Drawing Board

Hello all!
As I will be traveling again to France in just a few days, I've decided to give blogging a second chance. It turned out to be a helpful tool for communication and reflection...plus photos. Here are the facts:
I will be an English assitant in a high school (lycee, pronounced lee-say) in Pontivy, a small town in the middle of Brittany. The region, known in French as Bretagne, forms the northwest peninsula of France, jutting out boldly into the Atlantic. As you might guess, Bretagne touts beautiful coastlines, a variety of seafoods, and excellent hard cider. I'll keep you updated on all three.
You can keep me updated through email, Facebook, or post letters (and packages!) to me at:
38 Rue Leperdit
56300 Pontivy FRANCE
Thanks for playing!

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